Video Marketing Guide Here’s a video marketing guide that can help you create effective video content to promote your business or brand. Developing an effective video marketing guide requires careful thought and planning, but with a bit of effort, it can be achievable for anyone. Below, Richmond Corporate Video explores why a video marketing guide...
Pre-Launch Video Checklist Here’s a checklist for a pre-launch video. Below, Richmond Corporate Video explores why a checklist is so important for business videos and offers some tips on how you can create an effective production to get the most out of your video project. Script: Prepare a well-written script that outlines the...
Content Marketing Strategy Template Sure! Here’s a Content Marketing Strategy template that you can use as a starting point: Executive Summary: Provide a brief overview of your content marketing strategy, including its objectives, target audience, and key messages. Goals and Objectives: Clearly define your goals and objectives for your content marketing...
Places to employ Video for your Business Your first port of call on a mission to uncover hidden video ideas within your company should be your customer service representatives. While ideally every interaction with your company is a positive one for your customers, customer service has a unique vantage point on your customers at their...
Manufacturing Video to Highlight Unique Capabilities and Experience With much of our communication and interaction being moved to digital spaces, the benefits and power of a professionally produced manufacturing video have become all the more prominent. We work with clients to capture their project and convey their vision to investors in engaging and high-quality...
If you can’t make your corporate video engaging, don’t make one. There are several elements to consider when making your company video. From the equipment that you use to the message that you give and who gives that message. 1. Like an elevator sales pitch – keep it short I’ve had my share...
What to consider when creating your company culture video Your company culture video, sometimes this can stump you at the very beginning. who do I get? how many people should talk on camera and finally I can’t find anybody in the office that wants to do this video and be on camera! What are my options? what...
Accidents in the workplace cost companies a significant amount of money each year through legal expenses and compensation pay-outs. Creating high-quality safety and training videos can prevent a large number of these accidents from happening, thereby reducing expenses for businesses and keeping employees happy and safe at work. Using health and safety and training videos...
Do Business’ need an About Us video? Do business’ need about us video? This can surely be an introductory phase between the visitor and even potential customer and your business. It’s an opportunity to tell the viewer this is who we are and what we do and in some cases demonstrate the culture of your...
Seven Benefits of Adding Video to Your Business Marketing Strategy You’ve read it in many places and you know the importance of video and maybe just haven’t either had the budget or the time to dedicate to a start and implement this in your marketing strategy whatever the reason the more you put it off...
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.